Tue, 12 February 2008
[1hr 11min 33sec] This past Saturday, we got all of the Dresden Files RPG team -- and then some -- together in Maryland for an Evil Hat convocation (first of its kind). Once we were done discussing all company matters, we gathered in Fred's living room for a roundtable discussion about how the day went and whatever else happened to come up. Along the way we talk about some of the development of the Dresden Files RPG, other upcoming games, independent publishing, MUSHing and Amber, how exactly Chad Underkoffler does what he does, and being honest about what it is you're best for in a collaborative organization -- among other things.
If you've ever wondered what's going on "under the Hat", here's your first peek. Have a listen.
Direct download: THWR-UTH01-Evil_Hat_Convocation_Roundtable.mp3
Category:podcasts - under the hat -- posted at: 1:49pm EDT |
Wed, 6 February 2008
[1hr 4min 21sec] We finish out Faith, Faces & Fingerprints setting creation with the shaving of children, a map, a discussion of magic, and much more. The setting of Donnerdam takes its full form, primed to start the game. Character creation did follow this but did not make for good radio -- lots of silent scratching on character sheets and such. So our next episode will carry a snippet of play from the first session. Stay tuned!
Direct download: THWR-ATT03-Faith_Faces__Fingerprints_-_Setting_Creation_3.mp3
Category:podcasts - at the table -- posted at: 5:08pm EDT |
Mon, 4 February 2008
[50min 59sec] We're back with the second part of the Faith, Faces, & Fingerprints setting creation session. Unlike the first recording you heard, this gets into the "main sequence", where a sort of organic "freeform round-robin" question and answer session gives everyone a chance to get their priorities for the setting baked into the details.
This worked pretty well. The idea of folks who've answered questions taking a coin that prevents them from answering further ones definitely helped to make sure everyone got a chance to contribute; but we exercised a liberal "embellishment policy" that gave room for some enthusiastic discussion of the answers that were offered.
Direct download: THWR-ATT02-Faith_Faces__Fingerprints_-_Setting_Creation_2.mp3
Category:podcasts - at the table -- posted at: 8:47pm EDT |